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100-sec filmfest to display selected Cannes short films

A selection of short films at 2016 Cannes International Film Festival is to be screened at the 11th International 100-sec Film Festival in Iran.

A selection of short films at 2016 Cannes International Film Festival will be screened at the 11th International 100-ُecond Film Festival in Iran.

Dubbed ‘Short Film Corner’, this section of the event is to display the selected short films of the French festival in Tehran.

A batch of 140 films has been selected to be just screened at the latest edition of International 100-Second Films Festival in Iran.

The US with 217 works has the lead, while India with 203 works, the UK with 89 works, Turkey with 74 works, Spain with 67 works and Canada with 56 works have submitted the most titles at the secretariat.

The Call for the latest edition of the event reads, “100-sec film is a full video with all the characteristics of a feature film based on the two elements of brevity and creativity; it is not a trailer, not a music video nor a partial feature film. The filmmaker is to tell a story that has a beginning, middle and end and can affect the audience.”

The festival is scheduled to run on February 22-24. Every year, hundreds of short films are selected for the festival from among 2,000 films that are submitted to the event's secretariat.

